daniela friedson-trujillo
XR/UX Design
AR headshots using scannable image targets for mocap demo viewing
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AR Application Build, Designer and Developer“StarCARD” is an augmented reality application built for the future of entertainment; I designed a platform for casting directors to interactively preview and assess talent throug AR-enabled headshots previewing 3D captured demo reels. This prototype solves current entertaintment industry needs with futuristic technology (that is rapidly becoming more accessible.)
*Current prototype uses 3D models with rigged animation in lieu of full-body motion capture
Today’s casting directors are overwhelmed with an assortment of talent to choose from. Traditional headshots are printed on paper, and sent with comp cards detailing the talent’s physique. However - traditional headshots don’t provide a complete look at the talent’s attributes. In order to see the actor perform, casting directors must navigate away from the headshots to access video reels. These reels are provided separate from the headshots, and may often be disorganized, forcing casting directors to waste time watch content that is not related to their intended project. Once casting directors have interest in an actor, they must bring talent in to create on-screen tests and measure their chemistry with the rest of the prospective cast. This practice is time-consuming and costly.
My approach was to incorporate the traditional method of sending printed headshots., and seamlessly integrate augmented components with physical ones. In doing so, StarCARd empowers directors to easily identify potential talent "matches" in a sea of choices by showing a 3D "complete" look at the actors physique, voice, and movements. This enables directors to quickly observe on-camera chemistry between multiple actors, and facilitate the collection/organization of talent.

Physical StarCARd headshots facilitate integration with current industry channels and practices. The horizontal green line is perforated, allowing users to fold the card and balance it on a tabletop. The star grid is a scannable image target which can easily be customized for each user - providing scalability without losing flair.
Each actor’s headshot is equipped with a unique customizable image target. Once scanned with the StarCARd app - an interactive user interface overlays the physical card in augmented reality. This interface allows the director to switch back and forth between physique details and contact information in the Comp Card panel, and select playable pre-recorded acting reels in the Demo panel. In these acting reels, a 3D model of the actor (with audio) captured by full-body motion capture, plays in AR on top of their star target space; users watching can also directly scale and rotate the models to optimize viewing.
Vectors for augmented 3D user interface. [Left side] depicts the actor’s unique image target above their name, and interactive buttons to control the actor’s 3D model. [Right side] toggles between the Comp Card with user stats and contact information, and Demo card with a selection of pre-recorded animations. Button to “Save Star” to the application is enabled in both views.
Expanded view of a saved StarCARd within the 2D screen space overlay interface.
︎ daniela@badguy.studio