
︎aka “dani”

︎ aka badguy studio

daniela friedson-trujillo

xr design director

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“GeoSticky” AR app using Amazon Rekognition and Amazon S3 | Submission for AR House Cohort Hackathon︎︎︎

“super vaporwave roll” | 3D PC game submission | 2nd place - Popular Vote, 2nd place - Best Aesthetics | for VaporJam︎︎︎

“heathcliff and cathy” | 3D Model in AR 

“bARk®” | 3D Model in AR

“astropunk” | PC game prototype for MIT Hacking Arts︎︎︎

“will I find love at the gig?” | AR filter for juulsexual︎︎︎

“shrek tv” | AR filter for Instagram︎︎︎

“digital geiger counter” | AR filter for snapchat

︎  daniela@badguy.studio